Michael Sigurd Olszta


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The Reams Biological Theory of Ionization.

Scientific Nutrition For Health & Wellness!


Dr. Carey A. Reams

RBTI Developer

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CMC - Colloidal Mineral Compounds


Daily Mfg. Inc.  Dietary Food Supplements


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Colloidal Mineral Compounds


Compound Mineral Colloids


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One Pound Canisters

180 Capsule Bottles

Pricing & Description Below

 1 Pound Canister Yields About

 700 "O" Capsules - 650 mg each

CMC in Bulk Powder - U.S. Addresses Only

CMC Bulk Powder - 1 Pound


CMC Bulk Powder - 2 Pounds

CMC in Capsules - U.S. Addresses Only

CMC - 180 Capsules (1 Bottle) 
CMC - 360 Capsules (2 Bottles) 
CMC - 540 Capsules (3 Bottles)
CMC - 720 Capsules (4 Bottles)
CMC - 900 Capsules (5 Bottles)
CMC - 1080 Capsules (6 Bottles)

U.S. Shipping Explanations:

1 or 2 of the Bulk Powder Canisters will fit in a Flat Rate Padded Envelope.
1 to 6 bottles of the Capsules will fit into a single Flat Rate Padded Envelope.
CMC orders exceeding the above quantities will be billed by Pay Pal Invoice which you may pay with any major credit card. Or if you like, I can take credit card orders over the phone. Simply email me at michaelolszta@comcast.net and tell me in the email which CMC product or products you desire along with the quantities and I will invoice accordingly. 

International Orders

Please email me at michaelolszta@comcast.net and tell me what you want. I'll set up an itemized invoice with the present shipping charges. That is the best way for you and me to avoid delays. Thank You!


CMC is made from the same raw material other "Mincols" are made from. This raw material source is known as Calphos and is the soft rock phosphate mined in Florida by Canton Mills. The differences, however, between CMC & other Mincols are like night and day. Note the lightness in color of CMC (middle) compared with another water separated Mincol (left) and a dry sifted Mincol (right). The lightness of the color is brought about because all the clays and hard rock phosphate have been completely washed off of the colloids. This takes a lot of extra labor and hot water to achieve:



Lightness of color isn't the only characteristic of CMC that sets it apart because it has been completely cleaned up. Its ability to stay in suspension like colloids are supposed to do is evident by a settling experiment of one Mincol product against another Mincol product. Below are 2 products compared: A dry sifted Mincol (on the left) and CMC (on the right). Both products were separately heated up to a boil in distilled water to cause as much loosening of the compressed colloids as was possible followed by blasting them in the hot water in a Blendtec at 28,000 RPM for 7 minutes each. The purpose was to bring about as much suspension as possible. The results listed below are telling:


Settlement after 10 hours

Settlement after 430 DAYS and holding!


As you can see, the CMC settled roughly 1/4 to 1/2 inch from the water line. It never went further but just stopped there. And this "settling" was likely just a "dehydration of some of the water leaving a film of CMC on the sides of the glass. But the dry sifted Mincol simply sank. After an hour, it had sunk nearly half way down. After 10 hours, it was 3/5ths of the way settled. I saw what I needed to see. The CMC, however, just stayed where it was and remains there 430 days later! Why the difference? Again, the processing methods of both separating the P2O5 from the P2O2 along with any other clays or dirt that are covering the colloids makes it possible for the colloids to reveal their true characteristic of not being influenced by gravity. CMC is truly colloidal all the way through. For more pictures of the above experiment showing CMC still in suspension 481 days later (it actually stayed in suspension for 2 years until all the water evaporated!), please go to http://www.olszta.com/cmcsettlingexperiment. .

  • CMC is processed with extremely hot water to separate the colloids from the clays.. 

  • CMC is processed using fine filters to remove particles that settling alone does not remove. 

  • CMC is processed using specialized equipment to separate the compressed colloids.

One other experiment I did to find out precisely how much of the dry sifted Min-Col was colloidal by the definition of a measurement of size was to take a pound of the dry sifted Min-Col and put it through the same exact process I use to make CMC. The final part of this process is running the remaining slurry through a 1 micron filtering system which verifies whether the particles are indeed meeting the accepted standard of 1 micron in diameter for a particle to be considered colloidal. This was determined by Thomas Graham, the father of colloidal chemistry in England back in the 1800's and that standard remains to this day. What I found was that 61% of the dry sifted Min-Col passed through the 1 micron filtering system but 39% did not. This tells me that roughly 60%, give or take, of a 200 mesh dry sifted Calphos soft rock phosphate is in the colloidal state while around 40% is not. You have to remember that when we talk about mesh filters, 200 mesh simply means that there are 200 fine holes in every linear inch of that filter screen. In a square inch would be found 40,000 small holes. That's pretty small. In microns, it's 74 microns per hole. Now, the 1 micron filtering system I use (I use multi-layers of 1 micron filters) represents a 12,000 mesh filter. That is, in one linear inch there are 12,000 of the tiniest holes that only the smallest of particles can go through. That's really, really small!!! In a square inch of the fine filtering material are 144,000,000 holes!!!


CMC is the Min-Col* (mineral colloids) referenced on page 117 of the book Choose Life Or Death.  According to Dr. Reams:

  • Each molecule of Min-ColTM* (CMC) is a complete little solar system within itself.

  • It goes directly into our system without any physical change whatsoever.

  • Is already pre-digested and is 100% available to the human body ...

  • It's for teeth, bones, fingernails ...

  • Is an excellent thing when there's cancer of the bone ...

  • Is the essence that forms the very bone cell ... 

  • Is ... rich in manganese ... in phosphate form.

  • Will correct 80% of potassium deficiencies.

*The term Min-Col is the original name used by Dr. Reams in describing the original product he made using a water separation method similar to what is used in the making of CMC. Years later Daily Manufacturing trademarked the name Min-Col for its dry sifted version of the product. Therefore, when we quote the term Min-Col, we do so because this is the exact wording used by the author(s) in the texts quoted. It is always important to note that Daily Manufacturing has trademarked the name Min-Col for commercial purposes.



  • There is one product that’s been on the market about 40 years; it’s called Min-Col. It is the only colloidal mineral sold on the market that I know of. 

  • In a whole ton of bone meal there’s only 60 lbs. We have never learned to get out but about 3 lbs. at the most, out of a whole ton of bone meal. 

  • Any time you have bone cancer, use Min-Col like it’s going out of style. Use 2 BID during pregnancy and lactation period. Min-Col will make the fillings come out, and then have them filled again; and after 2 or 3 times, the teeth will grow out. 

  • When a baby is about 2 months old, start that baby on 1/2 Min-Col capsule a day in its food. Keep that up until the child is 4 years old. 

  • I’ve seen teeth grow out normal, providing the nerve wasn’t damaged or diseased. Teeth that are saw edged or glassy, it is a Min-Col deficiency. Cavities, a Min-Col deficiency. 

  • It’s for teeth, bones, fingernails. 1/2 capsule a day until the child is 4 years old. At 4 we recommend 1 a day for 96 years, for a boy. A girl, when she comes into puberty, 2 a day, and when they become pregnant and lactation period. This mineral that comes from bone meal is a colloidal compound. 

  • Each molecule of Min-Col is a complete little solar system within itself. An excellent thing when there’ s cancer of the bone, or deterioration of the cancer of the bone, for at least a year or more. 

  • A person with a fracture, I give 2 TID to some people, but 2 BID will generally supply the amount. 

  • It’s very few of these minerals we recommend, except Min-Col, that actually goes directly into our system. Min-Col can go into your system without any physical change whatsoever. It can go in just as you take it without any physical change. 

  • Take your Min-Col tablets and it will stiffen your toenails until they will not be ingrown anymore. It’s because they’re too soft. This is what causes them to bend and grow inward. 

  • It is a substance taken from digestive bone meal and out of the digestive bone meal. It has to be floated out; and then it has to be dehydrated and then made in capsule form. This is the essence that forms the very bone cell, not any other inert products in it. And people that have cavities in their teeth often complain about their fillings falling out because it starts to grow out. Your teeth should grow out like your fingernails do - not quite as rapidly - but they should grow and they will, if you give them the right substances. I do not know of one that will do what Min-Col will. 

  • Min-Col is another source rich in manganese, and that’s in phosphate form. 

  • Also Min-Col is a great thing to take whenever you have a bowel problem, any bowel deterioration. 

  • Min-Col is already pre-digested. It’s immediately available, 100% of it, to the human body regardless of the gastric juices, weak or strong or dilute. That’s why the older and weaker, or the lower the reserve energy, the more we stress the giving of Algavim and Min-Col. If anything in the world will supply the mineral nutrient, it will. 

  • Phosphate of potassium: Best source, Min-Col. Correct 80% of potassium deficiencies. 

  • Helps nature restore deficiencies at the time pregnancy begins. 

  • We pick up chromium from two sources. One is from the air and the other from Min-Col. 

  • The calcium loss causing rapid decay in teeth because they don’t have enough phosphate of calcium, and the only place you can get it is from Min-Col. There’s no other supplement on the market today, that is purified and clean, that really will work. Been on the market since 1934. 2 or 3 twice a day, maximum; any more wouldn’t do any good. 

  • Dr. Carey Reams, Alphabetical Reference Manual, Pages 80 & 81. 

  • Most of the mineral that’s taken into our body, except nitrogen and proteins, comes into our bodies and is assimilated in phosphate form. Phosphate of iron, phosphate of carbon, manganese, and etc. It’s all in phosphate form. Phosphate is the catalyst that forms the  chelated energy that becomes you or me or matter. Without it, it cannot form. 

  • Dr. Carey Reams, Alphabetical Reference Manual, Page 99.


CMC is not a substitute for regular medical & dental health maintenance. It is for nutritional support only. Please read our complete disclaimer below. Thank you!  


For further assistance OR a no cost, no obligation initial telephone consult of how my RBTI services could help you, please contact meat the hours below:


Michael Sigurd Olszta

RBTI Consultant / Instructor

Mon-Th: 1:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. (E.T.)

20 Warsaw Avenue

Manchester, NH 03103, USA

Office: 603 / 622 - 4701

Cell: 603 / 930 - 1683



Michael Olszta's Channel



The teaching, instruction, claims, recommendations, suggestions, information and products mentioned in my e-mails, snail mail, in conversation, and/or through associated website pages, have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Neither does the author claim to do any of the latter. The information provided by e-mail, snail mail, in conversation, and/or through associated website pages is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professional. You should not use any of this information contained in any of the latter forms of communication for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should always consult with a licensed healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.    








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